Resources for Kids
Our wonderfully talented Sylvi has put her skills to good use and made some videos telling stories from the Bible, along with something to make. If you would like to get the templates for the crafts, do visit Sylvi's website at Busy Art where you can find the downloads and check out her book. |
Busy Art with Sylvi (39 Videos)
The Story of Jacob
The Story of Noah
The Story of David and Goliath
The Story of King David
The Story of Samuel
Water into Wine
The Unmerciful Servant
The Story of Zacchaeus
The Story of the Good Shepherd
The Story of the Ethiopian Eunuch
Good News to Everyone
Mary and Elizabeth
Angels and Shepherds
The Two Kings
Anna Meets Jesus
Paul and Silas go to Turkey
Paul and Silas in Prison
Paul Escapes
Paul in Malta
Jesus Gets Baptised
Palm Sunday
Jesus Washes the Disciples' Feet
Easter Special
The Thief on the Cross
Thomas Believes
Peter Denies Jesus
Feed My Sheep
Holy Spirit Comes
Jeremiah Rescued
Moses in the Bulrushes
Moses and the Burning Bush
Moses said to Pharaoh
Frog Plague
Moses and The Red Sea
10 Commandments
Four in the Furnace